Research & Technology

Learning Outcome Studies

Virtual Humans for Learning Pre-Op Skills

Virtual Humans Versus Standardized Patients in Presenting Abnormal Physical Findings

Efficacy of Pre-Use Check Simulation

Preliminary data indicate that a screen-based simulation of the anesthesia machine pre-use check is effective in increasing the fault detection rate when subsequently performing a pre-use check on actual anesthesia machines. 

Efficacy of Transparent Reality

In this published study, learners who trained with a transparent reality simulation of an anesthesia machine had a significantly enhanced understanding of anesthesia machine function compared to those who trained with a similar but opaque “blackbox” simulation.

Efficacy of Mixed Simulation of Central Venous Line Insertion

This study about the efficacy of a mixed simulation of central venous line insertion is ongoing.

Efficacy of Mixed Simulation of Ventriculostomy

This study about the efficacy of a mixed simulation of ventriculostomy is ongoing.

Efficacy of a Screen-Based Simulation of Skin Prepping

This joint study between Anesthesiology and Neurosurgery about the efficacy of a simulation of skin prepping and draping is ongoing.

Efficacy of SIMR Simulation

This study about the efficacy of a simulation of a self-inflating manual resuscitator is ongoing.

Efficacy of HLHS Simulation

This study about the efficacy of a mixed simulation of a baby suffering from hypoplastic left heart syndrome is ongoing.